Betsy Thelen
Learning Coach
Betsy is the Learning Coach for her daughter Maddie, a high school student—as well as a previous Learning Coach for her daughter, Abigail, who is a recent graduate. The Thelens were looking for a more personalized school experience and decided to join Minnesota Connections Academy in the fall of 2014.
Why We Chose Minnesota Connections Academy
We researched many public and private online schools as options for our daughter when she was transitioning from elementary school to middle school. Abigail was most interested in Connections Academy because of the way it seemed to stand out from some of the others with clubs and activities, planned field trips, and choices of classes. Abigail loved it so much that Maddie followed in her footsteps and enrolled when she was transitioning into 7th grade.
About Our Family
Both girls have been involved in the student worship band at our church and many other volunteer activities. Abigail plays piano, and Maddie plays the guitar and does vocals. Learning on an online platform allows flexibility for our girls to pursue their interests and passions.
The teachers at Minnesota Connections Academy are the main reason we stay. They are amazing!
— Betsy
Our Online School Experience
Although we transitioned to Minnesota Connections Academy, we did have a positive experience with our local public elementary school and were not necessarily looking for a huge change. Abigail just loved connecting with her teachers in elementary school, and she hoped to find that similar experience in middle/high school. We felt an online school might provide a better chance of that happening. We were not disappointed. The teachers at Minnesota Connections Academy are the main reason we stay. They are amazing! In our experience, they have gone above and beyond to help our girls succeed. They are easily reached by phone, email, LiveLesson sessions, or during office hours. They are always willing to help. We can'’t say enough good things about our teachers.
Minnesota Connections Academy does such a good job delivering their education that as the Learning Coach I can help [my children] focus on learning life skills, helping them figure out how they learn best, keeping up with assignments and responsibilities, as well as just being available to process life daily.
My Advice for New Families
As with any transition, the first month can be challenging, but stick with it and don’t be afraid to ask teachers for help. Minnesota Connections Academy wants you to be successful, but you also have to put in the effort.